Does this hybrid glyph option looks cool or is in any form useful?

I like it.

I’ve seen that technique before but couldn’t find the links for our archive over at typophile dot com … sorry about that.

So perhaps take it over to us on typophile dot com … you’ll find the world’s leading glyph designers, typographers and more than a few graphic designers as well.

Sigh … seems that typophile dot com is down … again.


Could then try their twitter

I’ve been away too long. is probably the place where the professional type designers hang out. Typophile was offline for months and lost its following. The current incarnation of the site is, well, not what it used to be.

I just checked TypeDrawers and it seems that Rohit did post his question there.

TypeDrawers first started as a community (our typographic community) reaction to how ‘loose’ Typophile was being allowed to run … free speech and all that kind of goodness.

Typophile has the deepest roots within our typographic community … Jared always comes back hard … so we’ll see what he has planned!

I haven’t been a lead mod over there for years … kinda lost touch.

Good to read that the Op is seeking sound advice :slight_smile:

Not a thing to be used everyday (ofcource), but definitely a GOOD step!