The Future of Graphic/Web Design

I see that I misunderstood you’re earlier comment. I thought you were implying that wireless would be better.

Every method has it’s draw backs. Whether the poles are wooden or steel, the issue is that it’s above ground. Above ground is easier to maintain and repair, but less durable. Also, when tax payer dollars are involved, it seems that everyone would rather milk every last bit of usefulness out of existing infrastructure before upgrading it.

As for software (code/language/protocol) or whatever you want to call it, the whole internet was designed with durability in mind. That’s why packet switching was invented at DARPA. Hardware wise, it’s decentralized, so you can lose a transmitter and still maintain most of the network. Software wise, you can lose part of a message and recover it from any of the surviving nodes on the network. I can’t imagine what would be more durable.

The medium only effects a message to the extent that the medium limits the details of a message. Marshall McLuhan never imagined that a medium would ever be able to communicate as much details as the media of today.

The only limits to the message now is bandwidth. And the bandwidth issue doesn’t end with transmission lines, radio interference, or our natural senses relying on synthetic display devices. Elon Musk wants to go beyond the limitations of our natural senses with Neuralink.

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I don’t know I seem to remember that McLuhan pretty much predicted the Internet back in the 60’s, I believe.

Yeah, just checked. The following quote is from wiki.

The global village is a metaphoric shrinking of the world into a village through the use of electronic media.

= the Internet, right?

You still aren’t understanding.
Unbreakable means far more solid encryption - code - whatever you want to call it.
But what can be built, can be foiled as well.

Existing and continually crumbling infrastructure means jobs for those that fix and maintain it.
If someone came up with a roofing system that guaranteed wouldn’t leak and only grew harder and more durable the longer it was exposed to the elements, how many can they install before they put themselves out of business? (A lot, I know, but the saturation point can be reached eventually) Roads made of concrete lasted 20-25 years when they were set down in the late 50s. New pavement these days? Five at most with constant maintenance. Your computer? 5 years before you have to resort to awkward fixes and backtracking software versions. Software support? About 5 years per version and getting less.
And you want to implant that technology into your brain???
They can’t even keep a toaster from being hacked.

Do better.

I’ve never said I wanted to implant that technology into my brain. I was only acknowledging the next level of media possibilities. And BTW, BCI (Brain Computer Interface) can be (theoretically) non-invasive.

There is already encryption on the internet. That’s what the “s” in https means. And as you mentioned, it can be foiled. But there are infinite levels of encryption, only limited by processing power of the computers connected. It has nothing to do with the design of the internet or the protocol, which technically distinguishes the internet from other computer networking technologies.

So what exactly am I not understanding? And before you answer, you should probably know that my job title in the military was “crypto tech.”

That was a more general term coined in the late 50’s to early 60’s he used to describe the sum of all electronic media from broadcast radio, to television, to POTS, and any other method from telegraph to satellite communications.

He wasn’t talking about the internet as we know it because it had not yet been imagined. Most people didn’t imagine personal computers then, let alone computers used primarily as a communication device. But he was talking about cyberspace, which is a network in effect. You could call it an internet if you wanted to. When the term “global village” regained popularity in the 1990’s they were mostly talking about the internet.

Beyond the semantics, the inter-net is just a network. Technically a network is anything more than 2 people or things (nodes) sharing information by any means necessary. The only things that make the internet more unique is its established universality from world wide acceptance of its protocol and standards.

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Its been a couple of years since I was reading his stuff, but I remember at the time thinking, this guy just described the Internet.

If you take out the assumption that a network has to be computerized, the internet began with the advent of the telegraph.

If you take out the assumption that a network has to be electronic, the internet began the day the first person figured out how to speak multiple languages.

Hi Glitchin. Thank you for sharing your concerns. It’s something that everyone have thought at some point of our careers. It is good to come across this reflections and think deeply about what is needed to fulfill your ambitions in this field. By doing this we forced ourselves to be on alert and avoid the over confidence that can drive the designer to dreadful comfort.

Technology has always brought threats to all sectors. Media it’s been historically terrified, from the breakthrough of the radio, the TV after and now internet. However, it’s something we can turn into our favour. There are many useful tools everyone can generate logos with. If you look at the bright side, these will lack many qualities only professionals can achieve. Thus, this opens us a wide field full of mediocre work from which we can easily stand out.

Find your strengths and apply them to the quality gaps you find. This can either be fixing bad existing designs for small businesses that can’t afford a designer or teaching them design. There’s a wide range of possibilities out there to specialize with.

Recently I came across an article that pointed out how youngsters feel it’s too late for everything. That’s a wrong and painful mindset. It will never be late for anything. Study, work, learn, and make an effort to be up to date. Then success will get closer.

A master’s degree is never a bad option. Besides what you can learn, it buys you time to stop, explore, and gain more perspectives on your career and personal life.

Good luck with everything!