Where do Graphic Designers get all their assets?

I happened to check out one of those sellers. In the reviews so many people were using the same “logo” for their business. It made me so sad. Seems no one knows any better anymore. Or really just don’t care :frowning:

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You came here, asked a question, stirred up a bit of a nest, and your responses have been respectful and sincere … so hat’s off to you for that. But I am curious. What is the root point of this? Are you looking to sell logos on Etsy yourself?

Well, the Etsy thing interested me. I admit. More income is always nice. And that’s what spurred me to ask, but really I’ve been a hobbyist off and on, not anything business or professional like you guys. It takes so much time to get things right, start businesses, have the knowledge, time, tenacity. I’m a software developer, but I enjoy the arts. I’m also not under the illusion that you get to sit around drawing or something, same with photography, software company, any endeavor. It takes your life and you might be able to eat, 80/20 rule I think is what they say.

The answer is the principles of design and the act of creating something useful interests me. I had the opportunity to create a “logo” or a “brand” that someone asked me to help with. I know. I know. But anyway, I knew how to use Inkscape. It wasn’t the first thing I’d ever had done, and so, this came up and I thought I’d ask.

I do not think in any way that I could compare to you all or your business, but I was interested in the asset flip on Etsy, just as you might find in game development. They’re just asset flips with no real value, hoping someone will buy from you. Or UpWork for dev and the race to the bottom, and so on…idk. I like videography too, but time to develop the craft and make something viable to live on? Probably not. And all work has drudgery after a time, regardless of occupation.

But pro stuff? I’m interested to see what that’s like really. I’m sure there’s a day in the life video somewhere.

Building a business is not a trivial endeavor.


How is anyone supposed to become a surgeon without a four year degree and 7 years as a junior doctor?

There’s a reason for education and experience. I own several scalpels and I own a copy of Grey’s Anatomy. I am enthusiastic and I know approximately where the appendix is.

Of course the consequences aren’t so dire for amateur designers, as they are for amateur surgeons, but we don’t know what we don’t know until we learn it.

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Herein lies the problem. You think you can just walk into any professional and start doing professional grade without any understanding of it.

Again, the issue is that you think finding a logo on a stock site is how people choose logos.

Etsy sellers, stock site sellers, etc. take a lot of time to create these things. They parcel them as groups of icons, and individual. Swapping one image for another and reselling it as a different icon.

They are across multiple platforms because there are so many different platforms where they can be seen and used and bought.

These people are professional stock artists who make money from this.

It’s incredibly time consuming and skilful art form - it’s not even graphic design. It’s an artistic piece for sale for the lowest price to a mass market of people who just have a business starting out of their bedroom.

Maybe they go big. Maybe they don’t.

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