Any one who can help me for a interview?


I finished my studies in art school about 10 years ago and prepare now my portfolio specializing in motion graphics, illustration to come back to this domain.

I want to learn some new tools for me like Blender and I could receive support about the formation fee from my husband’s company.

For that, I should fill out a question form with three designers in the graphic design field who work currently in companies.

Is there someone who can answer me about twenty questions? My questions are very classic (ex. what is main skills today in your field?) If you work in a design company, I’m okay whatever you are specialized in.

We could communicate by email or zoom as you want.
I speak English, French and Korean
(I’m korean living in France for about 7 years. my English isn’t very nice but I will try!)

Thank you for your response,

I am a bit unsure by what you meant by ‘formation fee’. Are you applying for financial help from your husband’s company to allow you to get yourself educated?

If so, why do you need the opinions of three other designers? All sounds a bit odd to me and without more concrete information, based on what you have said so far, I wouldn’t be happy answering any questions.

Finally, if you want to get into motion graphics, I think you will need a whole lot more than a quick course in blendr.

Are you looking to get in to filmic /character animation, vfx? What area do you want to work in? It is a very competitive field. I’m not saying don’t do,it, but you will be fighting to get a job in one of the top companies with people who have degrees and experience. You’ll need to make sure you have similar credentials.

Blendr is very good for the price, but the larger studios would usually use Maya, C4D, or the new kid on the block, Unreal Engine 5.

For putting it all together, Flame is the industry standard timeline and compositing software. Premiere Pro is used in rough cuts and AfterEffects is used, but usually ends up brought into Flame at some point. This is all information from a friend of mine who works in the industry at a very high level, so that give you some idea of which direction to go in.

Listen, If you are not happy about my post, you can just keep going, don’t need to write long to try to lecture okay?

I never asked about the list of graphic programs and was never curious about your friend at a VERY HIGH LEVEL in the industry. Ridiculous.

@sprout was simply offering advice and perspective from someone with experience and know how of the industry and field. They weren’t lecturing you.

If you didn’t think it was relevant you could have ignored it.

If you have interview questions you could also post them directly.

You didn’t, in fact, specify what level you were looking to work at and as this is a forum of professional designers, it cannot of been a huge shock to you to have received pro-level advice. If you are a hobbyist, you should have stated this.

If you came to me with that attitude looking for any level of professional work, you would likely have been shown the door very swiftly.

Good luck with your endeavours, but a word of advice (albeit, unsolicited); courtesy will get you a lot further that being rude and abrasive does.

Courtesy is important to everyone. I also strongly recommend that you be polite.

I hate to imagine how you respond to people who aren’t trying to help you. I’m out!

You aren’t going to get any help when you are rude to the people trying to help you. I would try typing your 20 questions into google. Then you can research and answer the questions yourself.

I’m guessing the 20 questions are more related to the husband’s company trying to determine if paying out money for someone to learn Blender will have a return on investment in the industry.
Questions like, “What are the main skills in your field” could target any industry. In the design field, Blender is not going to be in the top skills requirement for most design companies… Which is basically what Sprout is saying in a smaller nutshell.
Blender is a powerful piece of software, but it’s been surpassed by more industry standard wares.

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