Anyone knows this typeface?

Found this beautiful typefaces, but I don’t know what’s it called. Maybe it’s custom made. Please help me out!!

From where you got this?

From a museum in india

the bottom one is called Rough Draft…I can only find it as a free font and not on any sites I’d be willing to download it from. If you use it commercially, be sure the EULA says you can.

The top one…no joy. it looks like a really bad knock off of one of the Cowboy Western style of typeface.

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The top one is called … the bartender …

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Rough Draft is available from Font Bros…

I think this is their own creation.

Did’t you ask to museum curator about this?

Souravjns, the typefaces are known free fonts, probably worth every penny you pay for them… I would bet the curator of the museum isn’t going to know without contacting the designer. Maybe the exhibit specialist would know. But that step is not necessary.

Poojana, you are going to have to check the owners’ websites on these to see if you can use them for commercial work. Quite honestly, I’d avoid them like the plague, but that’s just me.

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First one is called =>The Bartender Regular
The second one looks Alike=> Montreal Serial Xbold Italic

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