Artwork on sphere: Photoshop Gauss projection

Goodmorning everyone,

for the first time I need to solve a graphics problem that we had never faced in our Studio.

For an imminent art-installation, we have to to create spherical graphics that must be affixed to suspended spheres.

The question is: is there something in Photoshop (or other software) that allows you to automatically transform a classic rectangular graphic onto a 2D Gaussian spherical projection (like those of the Earth globe in 2D, which are divided into wedges by cartographers)?

The goal is to create classic 2D graphics on rectangular support and then find a “smart” command or procedure that can do the transformation…

If the question is not clear, it will certainly be clearer by taking a look at the executive on which the graphics must be adapted:

Try Adobe Dimensions or Adobe Substance
You’ll certainly be able to affix your graphics to the sphere - but not sure from that flat graphic.

You could try
Origami from Boxshots - the plugin for illustrator is a free demo - it’s relatively inexpensive.
You’ll just need to add fold lines as a layer at the intersections.

It might work.

Other than that Boxshots is very good has a few 3D templates to add your graphics to.

Of course this is just giving a visual.
I love Origami from Boxshot. It’s amazing.

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Deleted, I was wrong…
with wrong link even.
I’m gonna go home now.

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Actually doesn’t look that hard.

Seems like you just need to outline the shape - create an offset path for the bleed. The taper the bleed into the fold or joints in the middle.

Then use that shape as a clipping mask to drop your overall image into.

Is that what you’re trying to do here?
Just guessing.

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thanks for your opinion.

Would you mind trying to explain your solution to me in more detail? In particolar: “…need to outline the shape - create an offset path for the bleed. The taper the bleed into the fold or joints in the middle. Then use that shape as a clipping mask to drop your overall image into.”

What commands can I use for these operations?

Perhaps it would be helpful to look at equal-area map projections.