Awaken Akria by Ash Thorp

So my buddy Ash dropped his AKIRA tribute a little while back and although his tool set isn’t of your typical 2D graphic designer’s of him using 3D apps such as Cinema4D, ZBrush, Marvelous Designer etc., his approach to the work is.
If you get a chance watch the piece, a vid of about a minute long, and then look through some of his thoughts and methodology recordings well explained in the Process section from the Awaken Akria website:

******* NSFW *******

Ash Thorp’s main website:

I swear, the man never sleeps!

I know very little about Anime… but that was really cool.

The second one is captivating as well … although I had to add NSFW to it :wink:

But, still it drew me in to watch :slight_smile:

Oops …my bad.

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No worries … I gotcha :smiley: