Best drawing tablet for £500

Hello, I’ve never used a drawing tablet before. I would like to get the best value for money. I’m currently thinking Wacom Cintiqu 16 (£549). But I don’t know if I I would be better of getting a Huion Kamvas 16 for less (£350 ish) or spending more and getting a Samsung Galaxy s9 tablet (£1000 ish).

I’m happy to spend more (up to a thousand), if I knew the quality would be a lot better and I’d get more years out of it.

Any thoughts on this topic greatly appreciated

Did you buy one by now?
My experience is Huion is exactly as good as Wacom but a lot cheaper. I have a small Inspiroy and a large Kamvas 22 Pro and I’m very happy with both.
I don’t know how much £500 is though, I am European. My Kamvas was 499 €.