Bland Book

Disappointed with clients playing it safe and agencies delivering uninspired creative work to meet “safe” briefs, Mellor & Smith created a brand book that shows how it looks when we don’t aim higher. See the Bland Book below.


This is pretty funny. Thanks for sharing.

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… but true.

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This is a satisfyingly funny sarcasm, but I can also see it as a great sales tool.

Even though so many clients end up playing it safe, few of them would deliberately begin a conversation saying that’s what they wanted. Instead, it sort of ends up being their default, group-think, play-it-safe position, even though they want to stand out from the crowd enough to be noticed.

Making this brochure available to potential clients would play into and reinforce clients’ initial hopes of seeing something more innovative by stating right up front that this agency recognizes boring and dull and won’t let you, the client, get mired down in the mindset of playing it safe and making it look generic.

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The Daft reference almost went over my head lol. Great idea!

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Purrre gold (roll the “r” while saying it).

I think it could have used some Times Roman for a little extra… blandness.

Within the confines of a bland book lies the potential for transformation. As a book writer at Book Writing Founders in the UK, I sculpt narratives that transcend mundanity. Through words, I breathe life into pages, crafting stories that captivate minds and enrich souls, leaving an indelible mark on readers’ hearts.

But if you write above a 5th grade reading level, you leave half the audience behind.
Keep it bland.