Brand strategy

Can someone explain me what a designer offers in brand strategy? What this strategy actually means…

Visual identity development
Consistency and cohesion
User experience (ux) and user interface (ui) design
Packaging design
Marketing collateral
Brand storytelling
Adaptability and evolution
Collaboration with other stakeholders

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Not to mention engaging with the audience most likely to buy what’s being sold.

I didn’t get you. Can you explain.

Ok, designers help develop visual and messaging strategy based on the target demographics for a product or service. How’s that?


A designer in brand strategy helps create and shape the overall look and feel of your brand, think logo, color scheme, and typography.

Brand strategy, by way of the traditional definition, is about understanding your client and their product or service. Then identifying and understanding their indented market / audience / demographic and working out the best way to speak to them in the most appropriate tone of voice to engage them.

After that, it moves to brand application, so you determine the best conduits/ methods to disseminate your story to them.

Ultimately, so you can help your client reach the kind of people who will buy what they are selling.

It’s all about message and tone of voice.

That’s roughly traditional brand strategy.

However …

… in the last couple of years, it has been hijacked by amateurs who bill themselves as pro, but are entirely uneducated, who ‘help people build their personal brand’. This loosely falls within branding, but in reality it is teaching people via vacuous insta-babble how to create more vacuous insta-babble to increase their followers, who, in turn, emulate the same thing. It’s all meaningless, self- referencing rubbish, encouraged by instagram’s algorithm to increase instagram’s ad revenue.

Don’t fall into the trap. Learn the craft. There is an awful lot more to it than meaningless aphoristic reels and memes.

You need to understand a lot of different theories and design skills, as well a little psychology, sociology, et,etc. takes years to be able to speak to specific markets visually.


I am keeping this on my bulletin board. :slight_smile:

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Can you suggest some great books on it ?

I’ve never read a book on this stuff in my life.

Dang! I wish I had written that. I agree with every word.

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Does that mean we’re both grumpy old men?!

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