Business Proposal Project

*[Business Proposal Project

12 Unique Pages
210x297 mm print dimension
All Elements & Icons included
Resizable vector
Fully Layered
InDesign INDD File format
Professional, Creative, Clean, Modern & Corporate design
Used Font & Picture Image links included
Used free font link included

Are you advertising or do you want feedback on this?

Yay! Templated business proposals!
Wouldn’t it be funny if 4 people bidding a project used the same template with the same images that might not have anything to do with the project, and then there is a fifth person that actually had something focused and creative that pertained not only to the company proposing the work, but also applied to the project being proposed?

Who would win?

So, yeah, buy your templated business proposals.
I like to win.

I really like it.:+1:

Thanks everybody