Can i learn graphic design online

Hello guys, new to this forum and wanted to ask a few questions. I am 22 years old, in college doing B.S. my final semester right now. Since i was a kid i like to sketch, paint, draw and of every single thing the visual stuffs are the only thing that took my mind first, i always wanted to be an artist or graphic Designer growing up but as a typical Indian it’s against my Parents’ will. But im still doing digital art and design simple stuff for friends’ business. I really wanted to learn graphic designing and design as a side job. So what i am trying to ask is, is there are any online courses that are close to degree course? Im subscribing Skillshare form which i learnt a lot but mostly software side. I want to know more learn from the basic and able to master it.

Just an observation: If you think getting a B.S. is difficult, getting to professional level as a graphic designer is twice that. Why not just use your artistic bent doing art as a hobby instead? If your art is good enough you might try to sell it at Arts & Craft Fairs. It could be more rewarding that way. Others may have better ideas.

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It is such a competitive industry now that doing online courses and hoping to make it as a pro – even part time – becomes increasingly difficult. I’d say if you want to do it seriously, get yourself a proper education and go for it – assuming you have the relevant ability.

Personally I am never a fan of part time designers. Bit like part-time hobbyist architects.

Search this forum. There are so many threads asking the same question, read the advice. Most of it is good.

In short, I’d say Go for a formal education.

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I went the traditional route of a university design program and various internships, so I’m probably unable to say how one might learn graphic design online. However, I’ll share some thoughts from my perspective.

Solving design problems requires learning how to define the problem while envisioning and creating a suitable solution. This involves learning to see, think, and judge one’s ideas and work. It also involves learning how to place oneself in the target audience’s position in ways that enable you to determine how best to engage that audience to accomplish client objectives.

This process isn’t learned from online tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions on achieving special effects using specific software applications.

For me, the learning took place during my interactions with other students, instructors, and mentors while struggling to understand, consider, and incorporate into my work what I learned.

I don’t see how watching videos can substitute for the personal critiques, suggestions, and observations that come from working side-by-side with those who are further along in their careers.

The one thing that some design students find out far too late is that Graphic Design is not about creating Art. The success of any design is not in how creative you get to be, it’s all about the client’s message and the best way to convey it. If you love Art, do Art. Graphic Design is a business where art is a commodity.

Do some research. Find out what the market is like where you live. Find out if it’s feasible to generate enough income as a side hustle to make the effort, energy, and expense worth it. Here in the U.S., and I dare say internationally, graphic design is a saturated market. There will always be a market for high quality designers that can think conceptually and deliver quality services, but for the other 95% of designers, online contest / low ball sites are hurdling the market to the bottom.

I seriously don’t think learning graphic design online is worth the burger one is going to flip.


Actually B.S. is not that hard for me, just not find it very amusing i’d say. Don’t take this the wrong way but i’m pretty sure that im gonna find a good job in my field and earn a good living. But as i said, whenever i read my book especially for my B.S. related i’d spent the first 20 to 30 minutes checking the design, Typography, Hierarchy, etc., of the book before i actually read the book. Can’t take it off my mind.

That’s a good point, graphic designing here as a side job won’t generate as much as as yours. But in my area you’d be surprise how bad the graphic designs are and how people don’t know how brand identity and branding works, how they think messy sings would work. I wanna fix that, i dont want to see ugly designs every day on my way to work. haha. Am i going too far.

I can relate to that. I was two years into a B.S. (physics), then switched to a BFA. I took my first design class as an elective during my second year and was immediately intrigued by the notion of me being expected to think through problems and come up with unique solutions rather than being graded on how much I had memorized in a textbook.

I’m still very much interested in physics (and all sciences), but feel a deep connection with design. The switch in majors cost me an extra couple of years of school, but it was worth it to me. I eventually went back for an MFA after about ten years. I have no regrets about it.

I remember thinking much the same thing during my first year as a design major. I remember visiting supermarkets and wondering why there was so much badly designed packaging. I naively thought that I could help fix the problem. After graduation, I soon found that most clients resist doing things differently. The clients who are most in need of our services always seem the most resistant to it.

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Good point thanks. If i want to go as semi-pro considering where i will work, would online still not worth the time and effort

I think, this is ture, My friend who owns a shoe care product company used to do all the design himself, one time i did a package design and some art for him i told him about things i know (which i learn from reading and skillshare courses). And guess what he didnt obey most of them and still did most his way, like thinking heirarchy has no use( he want every text to be big and same size covering every space and not leaving for white space). Same thing for architec/interior design, an acrchitect friend once told me.

Not surprising at all. It’s that way everywhere. Oversimplified and expressed an equation:

potential success = your relentless ambition + a healthy market for your services

You just confirmed your observation of an ailing market, the side of the equation you don’t, won’t, and can’t control.

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Sounds like you got it bad, just like me. Follow your passion and don’t expect to become rich, but you will be happy in your work.

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Yes, you can

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