Coronavirus / COVID-19

Pushed forward by an overzealous media.
In a state where there are 7 million people, there are 1018 subject to quarantine. Not all of those have been tested, nor have they all tested positive.

If you’re looking for reasons to be optimistic or for a glimmer of hope…

– Our county health officials say there are far more cases than what’s being reported. The reason this is good news is that it means the mortality rate is far lower than what is reported.

– Take this with a grain of salt, but I’ve heard that China has peaked and cases are going down. If that’s true, other hot spots should follow suit.

Schools, colleges, some libraries closed, reduced hours at grocery stores, bars and restaurants closed to everything but take-out, all major league sports canceled, groups over 25 canceled including weddings, concerts, book-signings, expos, basically you name it. Disney and Broadway are closed. This is not like the common flu, we have a vaccine for that. (And if we practiced washing our hands more it probably wouldn’t be as prevalent.)
If we don’t practice self-distancing or voluntary quarantine small businesses are going to crash and burn. My friends who work in restaurants are afraid of how they’re going to feed their families in a few weeks. Spring is my busiest freelance season, that has dried up to nothing. All my clients have cancelled their events. ALL of them.
I read last Friday that kits for wide-spread testing won’t be available for two weeks in the US. I guess we’re waiting on Jared Kushners brother’s “tech-driven insurance company Oscar” to launch their testing centers instead of getting the tests from the WHO 5 weeks ago. I guess we didn’t want them, or wanted to make money on them, didn’t believe what was happening all over the world?
China seems to be on the other side of this because people there have been in their houses and not allowed out except for food shopping or medical attention since mid-February. Even though Italy has been on lockdown their numbers are rising because more and more people are getting tested.

I wonder what the numbers in the US will be in two weeks, you know, when tests are actually available.
:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

Such a type exists?

Yeah we spoke yesterday - she’s got family doing that for her. It is important that we look out for ppl who might need help.

Oops … I seem to have lost my own thread.

I’m going to make a bunch of stock art for iStock and Shutterstock at the very first sign of the next coronavirus-like outbreak.

Was that something you read in the DailyKos? Cuz that story has been “unpublished.”

Not that I can find but I don’t listen/watch FOX news and even so, that’s the least of my grievances. Declining the test kits 5 weeks ago from the WHO is 100% true.

Found it:

There’re the
– Non-believers
– Panic shopper/hoarders
– Hystericals
– Followers
– Conspiracy theorists
– Doomsday theorists
– Believers/fanatics

Am I missing any other types?

The good news is the piece of work in TN with the 18K bottles of sanitizer he was trying to price gouge was kicked off Amazon & Ebay, the TAG came down on him and he ended up donating it all. Probably to keep his greedy, hoarding a$$ out of jail.

I should add that to my list.

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All bars and restaurants in NYC are closed for 8 weeks. Now it’s moving upstate some can only stay open for deliveries. Every county it being allowed to make it’s own decisions. But, one if following after, slowly but surely is doing the same. I don’t know what people are going to do for Beer now that they bars are closing … they spent all their money on toilet paper and face masks :smiley: Neither of which will do a think for you. UNLESS you are actually sick … then wear a mask. It won’t protect you if you are NOT sick. But, again … people only hear what they want.

Here’s a little comedy relief for you :smiley:

I already snapped at Joe thinking he dirtied a pan after I just got done doing dishes … when it was I that actually forgot it was in the oven and he just happened to set it on top of the stove :smiley: … forget the flu vaccine … I may need a Xanax script to get through this :smiley: LOL

The phone and email have been eerily quite today. I should be using the time to crank through some projects and get caught up. Funny thing is that I don’t feel like working.

With all of this staying home, I wonder if there will be a baby boom in December.

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I was having this convo yesterday. I said there is going to be a whole new generation of Boomers :smiley:

Yep, band-name idea of the month: Coronababies


The divorce rate has skyrocketed in China, just sayin…

Latest update from this neck of the woods:

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut are taking joint action.
Starting at 8:00 PM Monday, crowd capacity will be reduced to 50 people.
All gyms, casinos and movie theaters will be closed and
restaurants and bars will offer takeout only.

According to CDC’s website, 12,469 people in the U.S. died from H1N1. So far, there have been 68 deaths in the U.S. from coronavirus (also per the CDC website as of this posting).

I really don’t remember H1N1 being anywhere near this big of a deal. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember runs on stores or brawls over toilet paper.

While I don’t consider myself a litigious person, maybe a class action lawsuit against the media for irresponsibly hyping this thing is in order. I’m kidding, of course, but something has to explain the hysteria.

I suppose the flip side of this is that, hey, there have only been 68 deaths compared to over 12,000 deaths, so the precautions are a good thing. But I still can’t help but feel this is being blown way the hell out of proportion.