Creating a logo for myself

Does this logo looks childish to you? I’m restarting my own logo again since the previous one wasn’t working for me. My initials are CC and I’ve tried putting together to look like a :butterfly:, X etc

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Do other people like clients or hiring reps even care what my own logo look like or it doesn’t matter as long as my portfolio pieces are good?

Yes, the logo matters. When a perspective employer goes to look at your site, everything matters. The logo will show your ability to develop an appropriate solution. I don’t think the smiley face in the C is going to work very well for you.

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I could not take any designer who used a smiley face as their logo seriously.

I don’t think individual designers need logos unless they’re looking for freelance clients or operating a full-time solo business where one might be expected. Even then, I’m not sure a good logo will be especially beneficial. However, a bad logo could be a deal-killer.

Logos are primarily shorthand symbols that help identify organizations, services, or products through repeated exposure to target audiences. It’s not often that an individual designer’s logo will ever get enough exposure to fulfill that purpose.


Further to what others have said here, for your purposes, I would just write your name in a classic neutral typeface that won’t feel out of place next to your portfolio pieces and leave it at that.

It’s been a long while since I was in school but we were always told if looking for a job working for someone else, a logo on the letterhead sort of implied that you would be moonlighting on the side. In Graphic Design, that would mean being a competitor for your future boss’s business. That doesn’t go over well. And some places don’t look kindly on moonlighting either. They want your full attention.

I would agree that it can be disingenuous for a designer that is employed or a designer that is looking for full time employment to present themselves as a company — “I am Smith Design Associates and I am looking to get hired” — but I have no problem if a designer applies a tasteful, purposeful design element to their name. Whether you want to call that a logo or a just stylized type treatment, I don’t think that matters.

I didn’t know that having no logo was an option either, I thought it was a requirement for professionalism :thinking: