So I’m not a designer, the wife is, but I’ve got some questions for you guys.
Currently my wife has an 8ish year old iMac and a macbook pro she bought in 2015. She uses creative cloud on both. She does primarily infographics but some photo editing.
The iMac needs replacing as software requirements are beginning to meet the hardware in it. And unfortunately when she bought her MacBook pro the tech at the Apple store told her she’d be fine with model X for using creative cloud. I’m not sure if the tech was misinformed or my wife didn’t tell them that she uses InDesign, PS, illustrator, and bridge all at the same time, (don’t ask me about this, I still don’t understand when she explains why) but I learned very quickly that the laptop just didn’t have enough processing power or ram to do this well. I bought her an upgraded ram kit and had apple install it and it helped out a bit.
What I want to do is get her a new desktop because that is what she prefers to use when she’s home and just use the laptop when we travel. I’ve poked around the internet quite a bit trying to find answers and just haven’t found any. I would also like to build this desktop as I can get her a good bit more power and longevity for less by parting it out and building a Windows system. She has the cloud so I’ve already found that she can install CS6 on both a Windows an Mac system as long as she deactivates one of her current computers first.
I’d like to know how many people work with both Mac and windows?
How well does transitioning files between the two work? I used to have a macbook and transferring word documents to a Windows system would screw up the fonts occasionally, does this still happen?
I’ve read that editing is mostly CPU intensive but adobe is getting smarter as GPUs get more powerful and has pushed some power to them and I read about that. My main concern is that I want her to have a good 4k display. What sort of GPU’s are the windows systems using?
I appreciate the help, the timeframe for building this system or dishing out the cash for a new iMac are sometime later this year, but I want to get everything figured out so this can be a combo birthday and Christmas present.