Design to Html. Experience with In5?

Please share any experience using In5. Or, make other suggestions for software to create and convert design to Html that allows responsive design, video media, and maximum interactivity. Without needing an intensive knowledge of code if possible. Thanks!


I feel that the best software to design a responsive website with HTML5 and CSS using Drag and Drop features is Adobe Dreamweaver.

Dreamweaver is an IDE. This means that it is a piece of software that combines various tools to facilitate web design and development. However, what makes it special is that it is somewhere in between a CMS and a pure code editor.

Essentially, you can build sites with your mouse using the visual design toolbox. It lets you place elements of the website in the way that you construct a Word layout.

It is incredibly useful because you can easily and without writing a single line of code, make the skeleton of a website accessible. Dreamweaver will generate the required code for you instead automatically.

In principle, this helps you to manually build and upload the entire website to your server.

However, Dreamweaver has all the necessary tools if you are able to code. Your experience could change entirely then.