Displaying packaging/projects in portfolio - how to do this effect


I’m trying to build a professional portfolio. I’m really struggling on how to display my projects. I see so many designers displaying their projects in professional ways. I’m currently trying to apply a higher level role (i’m currently a junior graphic designer in-house) and I don’t want to come across as novice on my portfolio.

My instant route is to use free/paid mockups. However, I feel as if the time for relying on free mockup PSDs has passed and I’m wanting to display my packaging in the following way:

As you can see, I’m trying to use a outter glow around the edges of the packaging - however I cannot get this to work in the corners. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

If you have any professional examples from the web that I could use as reference that would be great.

Thanks so much for any help - this is my first post in this forum and I look forward to posting more.

Thank you!


Are you working in layers in Photoshop? You should be able to achieve the effect your going for by playing around with the “outer glow” option.