Do you fear Artificial Intelligence?

Well, I figured I would just go ask one and get it straight from the horses mouth. This how AI thinks consciousness works:

Certainly, here are simplified explanations of some leading theories about the production of consciousness:

  1. Integrated Information Theory (IIT): This theory proposes that consciousness arises from the integration of information within the brain. It suggests that consciousness emerges when a system integrates a large amount of information in a highly interconnected manner.

  2. Global Workspace Theory: According to this theory, consciousness is like a “global workspace” where various brain processes compete for access to a central workspace. Information that gains access to this workspace becomes conscious and is available for further processing.

  3. Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC): This approach seeks to identify specific neural activities or structures that are associated with conscious experiences. While it doesn’t offer a complete theory of consciousness, it focuses on finding the brain mechanisms that correlate with conscious states.

  4. Higher-Order Thought (HOT) Theory: HOT theory proposes that consciousness arises when the brain generates higher-order thoughts about lower-order mental states. In other words, consciousness involves not just experiencing sensations, but also being aware of being aware.

  5. Predictive Processing: This theory suggests that the brain constantly generates predictions about incoming sensory information based on prior knowledge and expectations. Consciousness may arise when these predictions are updated or revised in response to new sensory input.

These theories represent different perspectives on the nature of consciousness, and ongoing research aims to refine and integrate these ideas to achieve a more comprehensive understanding.

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Great points!

While it’s natural to have concerns about the rapid advancements in technology, I don’t necessarily fear Artificial Intelligence. AI, like any tool, has the potential for both positive and negative impacts depending on how it’s used. For instance, AI can revolutionize industries, improve healthcare, and make daily tasks easier. However, it’s also crucial to address ethical considerations and ensure proper regulations are in place to mitigate risks. In the same way that reading Phobio reviews can provide insight into the pros and cons of a tech product, understanding AI’s capabilities and limitations helps us make informed decisions about its integration into our lives. Ultimately, a balanced perspective is key to leveraging AI’s benefits while minimizing potential downsides.

Although the Terminator films are generally regarded more as action films by the masses, film and literature has warned people about the potential threat of AI for quite some time now: Colossus: The Forbin Project, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Ex-Machina…

And for what?

A most excellent movie :smiley:

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Apple announces Apple Intelligence at WWDC.

Bold statement from a company that has nothing but privacy issues.


On a side note - came across this article

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Now there’s someone who does actually fear AI.

Once a upon a time the world paid attention when he cautioned everyone about the threat of AI. At the time we all listened because he seemed like such a visionary figure and maybe had access to information that wasn’t available to the public. Then he bought Twitter and we found out what he was really like:


He’s probably right though - phones in general listen to conversations… don’t I know mine does - often throws up adverts related to discussions (never in my life searched online before) - but then I’ll see products with that exact obscure item on it… and I start thinking - I’ve never seen a Gherkin on a t-shirt before…

Apple, are notorious for always listening to what is being said on the Phone, my brother (an avid Apple fan has everything Apple) and he says that it’s probably the one thing that annoys him but insists it’s a good thing, somehow.

Warped logic.

On the fence to going back to a simpler phone, with just text and calls.

It’s getting very creepy.

I haven’t been able to pull the trigger on this one, but I’m in the same boat.

Our phone was the first in our neighbourhood to have coiled phone cord. Big time.

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I have toyed around with the idea of a simpler phone myself, and I was intrigued by the Light Phone which I just checked has a 3rd version coming soon, the 3rd version includes a few features that I felt I’d miss (like a camera), but if you really want to go simple their 2nd version is good too, IMO.


I had not heard of that. Thanks for posting.

I have never actually physically seen one, and I can’t speak to the quality, but I do like how they are trying to make a modern phone, but just more stripped down and streamlined and not be one that is all about apps and social media. Just the “core” features you might need. If anyone here on GDF has one or has used one I’d love to hear their experience.

I like that the III will have a user-replaceable battery.

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Kinda expensive for only a phone and nothing else…

The display seems to be black and white, very minimal. Yet, device has a camera. Site FAQ says image processing results are not ready for display yet - I wonder how the images taken with this will display on the screen (if at all).

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I see the expense is more on whether it is a quality product. I don’t mind paying a little bit for a well made product that has a good user experience. And I think that makes sense. Sure, you could get a cheap $100 phone, but the LIght phone, IMO shouldn’t be inexpensive due to lack of features. The lack of features is it’s focus and is intentional.


Exactly, it’s main feature is it’s featureless.

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