Email signature and social media icons / links

What is the consensus around social media links on email signatures? I’m learning the consensus is to not bother with slicing, and to keep it simply with an image of the logo and text, due to platforms and missing images etc.
But what about social media links? From a designer’s perspective, what is the expectation there?

Not too many of them - I don’t want 30 links to social media.
I’d say 3 or 4 max - individual icons.
It shows a social media presence and options to connect on social media.

If the company doesn’t leverage social media then don’t bother with them and include only a link to the website which should show some ways to connect socially.

It’s all about where you want to drive people, what’s the main connection and way to communicate with them.

Is it social media or is to get people to the website, or through email, or promote the location of the company.

What’s the easiest way to contact the person, phone/email/whatsapp/social media/other

Keep the signatures as simple as possible and provide alt tags for all the images. Rely as much as possible on antiquated HTML and use CSS only for things that aren’t essential, in case the email client doesn’t display it.

Unlike modern browsers, not all the dozens of email clients people use are W3C-compliant, so make sure everything degrades gracefully.

If you feel social media icons are necessary, create small, simple icons for each, with alt tags for instances where the recipients strip out the images.

Our email automatically strips out all images. We can opt to download them if we like you enough to take the chance. :slight_smile:
It’s always amusing to see some people’s tags that aren’t quite what they might have anticipated anyone seeing.

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