Graphic design request to create a business email signature template with cta line, logo, social links for various clients/employees for a small company. I need help to create this signature so it is properly selectable and editable and can be placed in microsoft outlook and won’t break when sent out? What should be used as a way to approach this?
Been down this road many times.
images don’t always load automatically - so include great ALT Tags with the images so that when the image is not loaded there is a description of the image, this also helps in terms of accessibility.
Use as much plain text/hyperlinks as possible
Obviously things to include
Company logo
Contact details
Name, Job Title, Phone Number (optional), email address
Company address
Social media links (icons) - include alt tags
Call to action (CTA) line (e.g., “Connect with us on LinkedIn”, “Visit our website”)
Keep it simple and clean to ensure compatibility across different email clients.
Use tables to structure the layout as they are more reliable for consistent rendering.
Test the signature on multiple devices and email clients (especially Outlook) to ensure it displays correctly.
You can include a banner image - but again include great alt tags so it can be read without loading the images.
You want to keep the file size down - so the more images you add the larger the email signature becomes and potentially it could be flagged as SPAM by internal company servers who monitor lots of images/file sizes etc coming through the network.
You don’t want the email to hit the junk folder because you have included far too much information/size etc. that sets off the sprinklers.
Don’t use Weird Fonts - use common fonts available to everyone, something like Arial, Times, Aptos (I think is the new one), Calibri, or whatever is closest to the company font / or font in logo.
Send test emails to different email clients (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) to verify the signature’s appearance.
For simpler designs, plain text or rich text formats might be sufficient.
Also, I have not coded in a while. How do I know this will work even though I know this can be simpler. Is there a webpge to reference? Or is there a popular online software programs that can be trusted - could mailchimp create a good quality email signature?
I wouldn’t bother with html/css as it could trigger security measures on email systems.
You can try them but I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Build it in Outlook email signature builder.
What I would do is design it in something like InDesign
Use a Table
And keep file sizes low.
Keep interest high with well structured
And not too many icons etc.
I’m interested