Error: File cannot write on disk | WP, FTP, HOSTING

Urgent help needed:

My website size is 12GB approved. On the cpanel > Web Disk it shows that although the public_html folder is GB but “Other Usage” is freaking 34GB.

I have absolutely no idea what this additional 34GB is. Due to this, my hosting is not accepting to upload any file as the limit is 40 GB only. Currently total usage is approx 47GB. Here is the image for your reference:

Kindly help with “other usage” as unable to upload any file via either FTP or WordPress or directly from Hosting as well.

I would suggest you either log in via FTP or use the file manager via Cpanel to see what’s there – if it’s visible – and then backup and delete any files that you don’t need. If that doesn’t work, call the host company. The other files could be backups of the previous sites.

How many emails and attached files do you have residing on the server? There are also other system-related files that you likely don’t have direct access too. Still, there’s quite a discrepancy there. I think the people to ask what all that extra stuff is about would be your hosting company.