Feeling silly

I was a bit bored Sunday and was on clear liquids (which includes these little guys) for testing Monday.



Be careful, they’re dangerous :warning: :skull_and_crossbones:

We have a bucket of these in our office, once you have one it’s hard to stop.

I try to avoid them starting on them, because my glucose tested high earlier this year - the ultimate test of self control :drooling_face: :sweat_smile:.


Note to self Haribo gummy bears are “clear liquids.”
Though I have to laugh, one time I’m sure the doc sent a piece of lemon jello square to be biopsied… :slight_smile:


This is the only actual time I’ve ever bought myself a bag LOL. When I found out they count as clear liquids (as long as you only eat the colors I showed) I had to give them a try. So I got 3 bags and separated them all out. It was tedious … but fun :wink:

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Lmaoooo I swear I was worried about that. Luckily there were no rogue gummies :rofl:

This was actually the first time I tried this. I saw where many were told they could have them since they dissolve and melt like Jell-O. I called to ask and they said yes I could have the colors shown. And boy, I have to say it helped greatly with that need to chew during the day of not eating :wink:

Lab tech looks at biopsy sample “Hey, that jello was funny, but this thing has EYES!”

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This made my day! Only one problem, they’re so addictive.

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