I’ve been known for relying on and in some cases loving some typefaces that just don’t work in most use cases. I start a project thinking “Oh, boy! I can use it here,” but then I try it and it doesn’t fit. It never fits. At this point, I feel as if I’m searching for a problem to fit a solution. Does anyone else suffer from this illogical thought process?
I have the opposite problem. I use typefaces that aren’t ideal just because I’m too lazy to find typefaces that are ideal.
I’ve found around a half dozen typefaces that I regularly use. I use them because I know their personality and what I can reliably count on them to do. They’re not favorites in the sense that I just like them and want to use them; they’re favorites because when I use them, they add to what I’m trying to accomplish.
I had never really thought about it before, but I don’t think I look at typefaces from the standpoint of them being separate things to like in ways that are independent of the context in which they’re used.
For a lot of reasons, my favourite typeface is Garamond, but I hardly ever use it. Helvetica is the gift that keeps on giving, but I only use that when I want something ‘anonymous’ that is just there. It is bullet proof and will never let you down (Arial is an abomination).
When clients want something that stands out, something different, I spend a lot of time getting just the right typeface or combination of headline and body faces.
If pushed, for something slightly different, I often go with Myriad Pro.
Myriad Pro, if “pushed for something different”.
I suppose Myriad Pro has sort of turned into my version of Helvetica and being used by me as the default face for whatever doesn’t specifically call out for something else.
I don’t want to break up with it, though. I’d just like to spend a little less time with it and a little more time dating others.
Does the job for me every time.
I tend to use it everywhere lately
Back to the Futura, eh?