This forum is a little bland but I’m starting to appreciate the simplicity. It’s nice to have everything actually work. LOL
I really like how easy it is to keep up on topics and posts.
This forum is a little bland but I’m starting to appreciate the simplicity. It’s nice to have everything actually work. LOL
I really like how easy it is to keep up on topics and posts.
Yes, it’s simple but works. Hopefully does most of what we need. The engine discourse is under active development, and have full control so we could add anything we want and is available.
It’s zipping right along for me! I click and BOOM! I’m there! LOL … I love that
yup. Its nice that it just works.
Yeah, for about the last two years the GDF was so slow that I would click a link and then go browse some other site for a few minutes till it finally loaded LOL
In fact I came and answered this post while I was waiting for my reply to Red over at the GDF. When I went back it was still deciding whether or not to accept the post, had to do a reload to see if it posted.
Here for the beer.
7 minutes until “tomorrow!”
No Beer?
^That is going to be my most favorite emoji!
It’s tomorrow that the beer is free
Yeah the old forum was painfully slow at times - this is better especially now I found how to change the theme to ‘Light’.
And I can post pics again
It’s always free. Tomorrow…
It was free yesterday as well …
I’m just glad I don’t like Beer … so who’s in for a nice cup of tea???
I don’t particularly like beer either. A nice English cider is more my style.
But FREE beer is ok.
Tea, I’ll pass. But I’m partial to Dunkin Donuts coffee. Or maybe a Starbucks mocha frappacino?
Oooh I’ll always partake of a DD coffee