Graphic design magazines

Did you ever use to read any graphic design magazines?
Here’s some I remember from the early 2000’s:

computer arts

Can’t say I’ve read design magazines. But I read a few print trade magazines (which designers should read just for ideas and how-tos :wink: )
Now I just read them for the advertisements, just to keep up on things that print and can be printed on. :slight_smile:
I have subscriptions to these currently:
Big Picture
Signs of the Times
Graphics Pro
Digital Output

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I remember subscribing to Print magazine while in college in the 90s. And I’d occasionally pick up How magazine.

I subscribed to several design publications in the past — most of which are no longer published: Communication Arts, ID, Step-by-Step, Print, How, U&lc, GDUSA, and Emigre.

After a while, they all seemed to be a little repetitive.


That’s why I only read the ads. Very rarely is there an article, especially on process, that isn’t “Been There Done That,” or doesn’t set my teeth on edge.

I suspect the whole trend of following trends was started by design magazine editors and writers who ran out of things to write about. New trends (most of them just sort of made up) are always good for a new story when nothing else comes to mind.

I still have a handful of HOW magazines that I’m saving. I also enjoyed Step by Step Graphics.

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I was a teenager when I used to read them, I remember that at the time I used to look at them more in awe and admiration :star_struck: of beautiful layouts and illustrations. These days I would look at them a lot differently and instead try to understand what is specifically about them which is special.

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Or maybe not so special? :wink:

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I subscribed and read cover-to-cover, these two magazines: Graphic Design Magazine and C&lc. (C&lc = Caps & lower case.)

I never subscribed but I did used to flip through/slightly read/just looked at all the pretty pictures in Communication Arts when I was a teenager. I lived in the magazine section of Borders, and later Barnes & Nobles. All the art magazines were so expensive, I “subscribed” to the cafe in the store :slight_smile: Oh the days when my computer was pretty much just a word processor only!


In my teens and early twenties, hungry and eager, I devoured Creative Review and Design Week (the two major publications over here). I have a box or two full of them. It was a great publication back in the day. All Brody, Vaughan Oliver and Bartle, Bogle & Hegarty. Exciting, innovative and inventive. I don’t know if it changed, or I did (I’d wager the latter), but in the end, it became self-referencing, back-slapping industry guff. Think, The Oscars. I haven’t read either of them in 20 years.

I don’t need to. Cue, the internet. Back then, it was the onlynreal source of what was happening in design.

These days, the only thing I subscribe to is Type01 magazine. Previously, I read 8-faces by Elliot Jay Stacks (brilliant, but now defunct), then Fontsmith’s TypeNotes (ditto, the previous publication).

I would periodically (no pun intended) dip in to the bookseller (there was always a copy around somewhere), but I get so bored of any form of industry self-aggrandisement very quickly these days. It is so easy to see through the BS.

My only other dalliance was that a couple of decades ago, I was the European Editor of an online publication, called VisualArtsTrends. Also now defunct. Now, it represents everything I am thoroughly ambivalent towards, trends and industry guff. It was fun while it lasted (about 3-5 years, probably). Silly amounts of work, but both myself and the founder who did the majority of the work, as it was US centric, mainly, ran our own companies, so it was a massive commitment and a huge chunk of our lives. I did enjoy the actual process of writing though.

Now, my indulgence is a Sunday afternoon pint of dark beer and a copy of Type01 – especially on a warm, sunny day.

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That’s a very good way to spend a Sunday afternoon, am a big dark beer drinker myself, do you have any favourites?

So many… These four are gooduns… but definitely not chilled. There’s no excuse for dark beers like these being chilled (IMO) – unless you want to lose all the flavour, that is.

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Make this its own thread! This is my favorite topic yet :beer:

Also, our agency buys GDUSA and I’ve enjoyed looking at it, though the type is a bit small for my poor fatigued eyeballs.

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Occasionally I used to come across imported beers from the UK, back when I had enough disposable income to visit a lot more craft beer bars.

Agree about dark beers being best served at room temperature, my fridge is full of beers leftover from my mates (IPA’s and hazy’s that I ever don’t touch), however all my dark beers are stashed away safely in the pantry.

Thanks for sharing, they all look like some solid options… I think we have a similar taste. Here some that I enjoy fairly regularlly: