Edit: I drew a beach picture which made me want to use Big Tickle, which I’ve used before. I scrolled up to compare to the last time I used Big Tickle for poops and giggles. The quote that I drew for this cover is strikingly similar, but not the same, as the quote last time. No cheating or shenanigans took place.
myfonts.com sent out an email today with some free fonts, one of them being the comic book font that inspired this cover.
My fav
Been a while, this one was fun. I wanted to do more with the torn texture on the right but ran out of time…ah well
The album name and photo go together perfectly.
That’s great
Thanks! I got a great photo and didn’t have to do anything to it.
It is very nice. Man, I haven’t done a cover in a while, I may need to find some time to knock one out.
It’s funny because I also realize that CDs are kind of a dying breed. Heck, vinyl is undergoing a pretty big resurgence. I took my 13 year old nephew to a local place here which sells used records and he ended up picking up some country music stuff from the 60s and 70s.
I was given a rather bland sunset image and quite the catchy band name.
Looks great Craig!
Thanks RKK
Sometimes I look up the Wikipedia article just to see what the heck the band name is in reference to. There are some pretty obscure Wikipedia articles.