Happy Earth Day 2021! 🌎


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Happy Earthday (as I pedal harder to keep the electricity going)

I love Earthday though. I wish they’d do an Earthweek and make it a global holiday. Shut down all powergrids etc. (well as many as possible).

Probably not practical though.

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Including the internet. I’d pay to see that.

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Watch that live online!

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I’m sure you didn’t miss the point.
Nope, I’d park myself on a blanket in the park and watch all the zombies emerge from their caves and blink blearily at the sun. After a day or two of no internet, the carnage that will happen will rival something outta Mad Max.

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Surely, this is even more of a reason to shut down everything for a week!
Glad we agree!

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I’ve got plenty of crafts, books and DVD’s to keep me busy :smiley:

I honestly wonder what would happen should such a crisis occur. I admit to becoming completely reliant on the internet. Not because of the vapid social media world … but for researching and reading and watching TV since I don’t have cable. Also for ordering our groceries and household needs. I don’t go into stores anymore. At least I haven’t for a year or better now :wink:

Rather than just a black out of internet, I would love to see FB, Twitter and all the other fringe social media go down for a week. Other than here of course so we can all get together and chat about it :grin:

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I’m in! But my time would likely be spent distracting my husband… he absolutely needs electricity to keep entertained. :sweat_smile:

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