I am having a tough time concentrating on work today. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, and I had to work over last weekend. So I am mentally checked out already. Looking forward to not having to be at my desk at all over this weekend.
It’s an ancient tradition I’ve been trying to carry on with. Kool started it many moons ago with quotes of the week included. I don’t do half as good a job as he did. And as you can see I forget it’s Friday sometimes LOL
So, stepping in to help when I’m in a brain fog, is not stepping on any toes and very much appreciated
This weekend I’ll be building my genius idea #149. It’s a rig that goes up & over from one side to the other a full body fully reclining zero gravity patio lounger … !!!
The rig is designed to be completely adjustable on the x and y axis and will hold my laptop which will be able to rotate on the x axis!
All in done up with cheapo PVC plumbing!
I’d like to move it around on a couple RC tank tracks … but that ‘upgrade’ will have to wait.