Happy Friday, 6/15 Edition

Happy Friday, folks!

I am having a tough time concentrating on work today. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, and I had to work over last weekend. So I am mentally checked out already. Looking forward to not having to be at my desk at all over this weekend.

Stay cool, and have a good one!

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I am so waiting for the go home bell.


Have a great Friday gang!! Nothing too interesting going on here. It will be a weekend of crafting :heart:

(and thank you Steve) :heart_eyes:



I hop eI didn’t step on your toes (or anyone else’s) with this post. Didn’t realize if it’s always started by you or someone else.

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It’s an ancient tradition I’ve been trying to carry on with. Kool started it many moons ago with quotes of the week included. I don’t do half as good a job as he did. And as you can see I forget it’s Friday sometimes LOL :smiley:

So, stepping in to help when I’m in a brain fog, is not stepping on any toes and very much appreciated :heart:

I was having some pretty serious focusing issues this morning – pretty much looking for anything to do other than work.

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Friday!! Hey hey!! Friday!!

This weekend I’ll be building my genius idea #149. It’s a rig that goes up & over from one side to the other a full body fully reclining zero gravity patio lounger … !!!

The rig is designed to be completely adjustable on the x and y axis and will hold my laptop which will be able to rotate on the x axis!

All in done up with cheapo PVC plumbing!

I’d like to move it around on a couple RC tank tracks … but that ‘upgrade’ will have to wait.

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That sounds intriguing! You will have to post a couple snaps after you finish :slight_smile: