Help with my school work?

I’m looking for someone who works in the graphic design field who I can conduct a brief interview with for my writing class. I sent out a few emails with requests that were never answered and then landed in the hospital having emergency surgery to remove an infected gall bladder and am in a panic. Is there anyone here who could grant me an interview or give me some tips for obtaining one? I would be extremely grateful! Thanks so much in advance for any help!

If you post your questions here for everyone to read, I’m sure designers will answer them. If you want people to contact you for an off-forum interview, you’ll get fewer (if any) responses.

Per my instructor’s instructions, it needs to be an interview with a single person. And I’m behind due to the surgery and feeling very anxious and overwhelmed.

Since it’s an emergency, and if someone else hasn’t already responded, I can do your interview. I just bumped up your posting privileges here to allow you to send and receive private messages. If you want to contact me that way, feel free to do so. I’ve worked in the graphic design field for about 40 years.


I really appreciate that! I’ll shoot you a message tomorrow. Thank you so much!

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Sheila—I will be happy to do that for you as well. I am a retired creative professional with 50 years of experience in my field of advertising/marketing design.
You can also find my biography I posted on this forum if you like. It is the post titled “By Popular Demand—PopsD’s Story”
Also, I already have a copy of the questions and my answers from another student survey I completed for another designer about a month ago. If you would like me to send that to you, just message me and I will send it via my personal email address.

I never heard back from Sheila for some reason. Perhaps she found another solution.

I’m so sorry. I had a setback in my recovery which delayed everything even further. I have sent a message to Just-B. Thank you so much.

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