Hi, Do anyone know wats the name of this kind of illustration is? or do anyone can provide links to this style illustraion tutorials?


I doubt there’s a name because it’s more of a technique than a style. But if you want to name it, call it “air-brush” because it looks like the kind of stuff people use to do before photoshop when they relied on frisket to mix high contrast masked edges with smooth gradients.

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hi, thanks for that! <3 but i want to get that same uniform grain effect…if i use air brush in photoshop to get that effect it does not comes in uniform way… that’s y im in a fix on how to get that grains… is there any links, grain texture or tutorial links u can contribute ? thanks in advance <3 <3

Use the noise filter.


first thought is montage maybe used as base some photo, but when saw that on other posters was used the same base, maybe is word for type of print paper or eventually some roto brush before sketching the front elements …


I’m gonna close this up. The OP hasn’t been back since they posted this back in 2018 :wink: