Figured i’d come say hello to other creative individuals who may be needing to talk with someone else.
My apologies ahead of time, this is sort of a rant, sort of scatological thoughts.
So, i’m a old school graphic designer, mostly self taught with a lot of digital design up my sleeve. got into the biz in 1995-1996 right out of high school. worked at the same ad network for about 10 years from 2006-2015, made ads for big brands and in-house products…
Made most of my work in Macromedia/Adobe Flash… I had trouble finding work and rent and bills just got to be too much.
These days, i’m homeless living in florida. trying to get more freelance work while job hunting for a full-time gig in my career as visual designer/artist.
My portfolio is ugly due to a) not being able to post client work or work from my full-time gigs and because i want my portfolio to look over the top but don’t feel i have the time to make it happen.
eh… can’t make excuses… but it is nice to talk… i feel alone in this world of millions. hopefully someone reads this and wants to talk. if not… at least i put my feelers out there with this post.
I guess I could just start with a clean slate, white page, put a graphic on it and nicely spaced out text… (I’ve thought about this before and then just get overwhelmed in my thoughts… then I think: “wordpress will show a much better job then the minimal work i’m putting together… am i wasting my time?”)
Back in the day i used to be a part of a lot of online forums and live online chats where we’d exchange critiques and grow together… it’s a great thing to be a part of a community like that. Thanks for being here GDF.
Sometimes just posting something like this makes your vision become clear… sort of like organizing all your thoughts and pow, a laser pointer shows you the way.
Here’s to that white page with content soon to have new stuff on it.