How are our NYC/NJ folks doing?

I am seeing that the remnants of Ida really tore into the coast last night. I hope you are all doing ok :heart:

If only three percent of that rain could be diverted out here to the western U.S. where everything is scorched, desiccated, and on fire, we’d be very happy.


For sure … it’s all a bit upside down :frowning:

I don’t live near the coast, so don’t have the right to write about it.

We are fine, thank you.

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But you live in Canada where everything is always good and where climate change will work in your favor.

Fifty years from now, you’ll be growing apples and peaches on Baffin Island and feeding the rest of the world with wheat and delicious vegetables from the Yukon. Toronto will have palm trees and mangos growing on the shores of Lake Ontario.

We tourists from the arid and hurricane-ravaged wastelands to your south will visit when we can afford it — assuming, of course, that Justin Trudeau’s grandson (your future prime minister ) doesn’t erect a border wall to keep out the flood of U.S. refugees streaming across the border into Saskatchewan.


tenor (1)

I guess we’ll have to adopt some of your conservative politicians (or offsprings) to become our future prime minister. Mind you, we have our own, just not militant enough.

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The latest update: