How made prety design&

Hello guys!
I have watch many design project at behance, dribble (name in footer).This topic i want understanding what rulle and principles use this guys and learn and upgrate design skill

I think what graphic design composition importent: focal point, balance, structure but this guys brake this rulle. What yuo think about principles and elements use this designers?

Flavien Guilbaud _ Behance
Louis Saville _ Dribble, Behance
Oui Will _ Behance
Denis Stekhin _ Behance
(PS sorry for lack of link)

I fixed your links and also bumped up your user level, which will enable you to post your own links.

I’m not entirely sure I understand your question, but the designers’ work you’ve pointed to is very good.

As for the principles and elements of design, I don’t see them as rules or even guidelines to be followed. Instead, I see them as general commonalties that can help explain why some designs work and why others don’t work as well.

Most experienced designers don’t consciously think of the elements of design as they’re working on projects. Instead, it’s more intuitive — they tend to do what feels right and works. It’s easy to analyze their work and see how that work intuitively corresponds to (or breaks) many of those principles and elements, but they likely did not consciously implement those principles.


There’s some high end stuff there, but I don’t see any rules broken. Simply because I don’t believe in Rules, only suggestions.

You think that design have made intuitive, if am I understanding you right.

I don’t know how well this will translate, but I think the principles of design are more useful forensically than as a formula for good design.

In other words, knowing the principles of design and applying them isn’t necessarily a path to good design. Instead, the principles of design are most useful when explaining why good design works.

Most good design, writing or music can be analyzed and found to be illustrative or exemplary of certain principles that contribute to their success. However, the creators of those things likely did not intentionally create their work to conform to those principles. Instead, their work was largely the result of experience and intuition being put to good use.

Wery interesting information.
Principle and element it is organs that decomposed but not give guide how to fold back. And if am I understanding you right, designers intuitive fold all argans together . Now i have a new question, how to fold all organs to make it not a Frankenstein but a handsome man?))

Now there is many course, university where tiche how make pretty design. After study people realy make visual better . Is it practicle or course, university could teach " how to fold all organs together" ?))

Ps. thanks for edited and answer question

I think the value of a university design education comes from being exposed to many different ideas and opinions.

A university doesn’t usually give students step-by-step instructions on how to do something. Instead, universities provide their students with broad educations from many different people with many different opinions. This education encourages and helps to enable students to think for themselves and develop their own solutions to problems based on what they’ve learned.

Learning the principles and elements of design is good, and every designer should become familiar with them. However, those principles are not a formula for good design — they mostly help identify and explain the reasons why some visual designs work and others don’t.

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Hi Nicksun,
Design is indeed in the designer’s mind. The software and tools further assist to express that expertise in a professional manner.
For beginners, practice is a great way to make designs.
I myself when started learning graphic designing, I tried to sketch many things in my surrounding just to enhance my skill. As soon as the skill is developed, one can make any design, and that a pretty one.