How to clean up mac optimize processing usage

How to clean up mac optimize processing usage -
Is there an app to use that can help? I am getting a spinning wheel while adding 900 pages for an InDesign book.

How old is it? Is the HD almost full? Do you have sufficient RAM? Are the InDesign prefs corrupt?

There are so many factors that govern it. If all elements are sufficient, there may be an issue, but often as not the issue is insufficient RAM or clogged HD.

I tend to keep only current working files on my Mac and as soon as the job is finished, it is archived to a raid drive. That way the disk is never more than 20% full.

Do you switch it off at night? If so, it may be better just to put it to sleep. Certain maintenance and upgrades happen overnight. It is a good idea to restart every few days though to clear the RAM.

If you give us more details, you may get a more detailed answer.

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You can do 900 page document - but depends on complexity.
Typically better to split the document up into parts and compile it with the Book through File>New Book
This creates a panel where you can add InDesign documents, and then each document can have 100 pages 200 pages etc depending on the section required.

Typically have worked on books up to 3,200 pages and this is a fine way to handle that amount of pages - by splitting into separate documents.

If it’s not an option then please let us know your
InDesign Version and version number
Your OS and version
General computer specs


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adding 900 empty pages?

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