If you didn’t read my last post make sure to check it out. But… I finally got out of my situation and am on my way to a better work opportunity very soon!
What was the final catalyst? The breaking point?
In addition to me being the only marketing person in the department, it was approved without my knowledge that in addition to tending to all of the company’s marketing needs, I would ALSO be responsible for recruiting and supervising a revolving door of unpaid high school and college interns to handle their hundreds of thousands of clients marketing requests.
Of course I’d be getting paid the same rate, would not have any other qualified marketing professionals working alongside me and would not see a dime of the commission from that venture.
Yep. BYE! I’m out of there. Never in my life, have I encountered a company that devalued marketing so much. They slap the entire profession of marketing and design right in the face.
Marketing is a craft. ******* respect it.