Hello, I recently had a client who wants to me to design him a ‘flyer or brochure’ for his program to English and other languages in just 36 hours using neuro education. The problem is I never designed a brochure before I was focusing just on logos. I accepted the project anyway. As I understood he needs a brochure not a flyer. He sent me the info he wants on his brochure. and here is it:
Es una disciplina formada por la Neurología y las Ciencias de la Educación.
Su propósito es enseñar cómo el cerebro humano aprende, desaprende, reaprende y qué factores estimulan el desarrollo cerebral en el aprendizaje.
Es la capacidad que tenemos los seres humanos de sobrellevar cualquier estímulo adverso.
Es la relación cercana y armoniosa en la cual las personas entienden los sentimientos o ideas del uno al otro y tienen buena comunicación.
Las neuronas encargadas de esto se llaman “neuronas espejo”. Estas se activan cuando realizamos una acción u observamos a alguien realizarla. También con las expresiones emocionales. Por ello son la base de la empatía generada entre instructor y aprendiz.
Es la capacidad de una persona de controlar sus emociones y entender las emociones de los demás, de manera que esos sentimientos se expresen adecuada y efectivamente.
Controla el comportamiento y el pensamiento instintivo para sobrevivir.
Regula nuestras emociones, la memoria y las relaciones sociales.
Abarca la cognición o conocimiento académico, percepción sensorial y el control motriz.
Intrínseca: nace del interior de la persona con la finalidad de generar autoconfianza y a la vez mantener una autoestima elevada.
Extrínseca: son los estímulos que vienen de fuera del individuo y que satisfacen temporalmente su fuente de motivación.
I wonder what type of brochure I should use or he may need a flyer? What info should I have before designing? What size of brochure to include those info? Please tell me what would you do? Thanks!
You’ve agreed to do a flyer or brochure with no information (other than content) and a 36 hour deadline? You don’t know what size?
s the client printing them? What is his budget? What size is he expecting? If he is printing he should place expectations on you as far as whether he wants a two-sided flyer … a one-sided flyer, a saddle stitched brochure (how many pages), a trifold, etc. or at the least you should prompt and lead him in that discussion. If you don’t know what size you can’t start.
If being printed remember your bleeds!
You need to talk to the client ASAP and understand what he wants. If he just wants a PDF, to what end? Will that PDF be printed, will it only be viewed digitally, if so will it be predominantly viewed on mobile or on desktops/laptops.
I could go on and on. The bottom line is you need to push back and get the info you need. If you’re not asking the right questions you’re shooting yourself in the foot.
Thanks so much. I mean by 36 hours that his program allows you to learn English in 36 hours. So I should know the size. I though it’s the designer job to figure out these things and I think he’s expecting that. I wrote the content he wants to have. I thought I’ll figure out the size and style based on the content he gave me. Isn’t that right? Please tell me what would you do?
It is not your job to determine size especially if its being printed. Most likely they have budget/cost expectations. Its your job to coach and advise him by letting him know his options.
It depends on what your client needs. For example, if this is a brochure that will go on a rack in a hotel or occasionally inserted into a standard business envelope, that needs to be considered when determining the size. You’ll only know these and other important bits of information by asking the client questions.
A designer researches, assembles and considers all the relevant pieces of the puzzle before designing a solution. It’s only after these kinds of parameters to the problem have been uncovered, defined and thought through that an appropriately designed solution can be developed.
You can make the all the necessary design decisions, but they MUST be based on something. Craig already touched on all-important budget, but you need more about your client’s intent and the audience at which that intent is aimed.
Who are they?
Where are they?
Why are they there?
How much money do they make?
How much money do they have to spend?
What do they hate?
What do they like?
What styles might stimulate them?
What message does your client want them to receive?
What should it motivate them to do?
Why would they do it?
Why wouldn’t they do it?
Why should they do it?