I need some advice to build website for designers

Hello everyone!

I’m currently building a website aimed at providing high-quality transparent image materials for designers and creative professionals to use. I’m looking to seek advice from experienced designers regarding the website design to ensure I can offer the best user experience.

The website named FindPNG.

Here are some specific aspects I’d like to inquire about:

  1. User Experience (UX): I want to ensure the website is clean and intuitive, allowing users to easily find the transparent image materials they need. Do you have any suggestions or best practices to share?
  2. Page Layout & Navigation: I’m considering the best way to organize the website’s content and design navigation so that users can quickly browse and find what they’re looking for. Do you have any insights on page layout and navigation?
  3. Responsive Design: Considering the increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, I aim to ensure the website has good responsive design. Do you have any advice regarding mobile design?
  4. Content & Payment Model: I plan to offer some free transparent image materials while providing more high-quality content through subscription-based payment. Do you have any suggestions regarding content categorization, payment models, and pricing strategies?
  5. Community Interaction & User Engagement: I hope to establish an active community on the website, allowing users to share their design works and experiences. Do you have any advice on community building and user engagement?
  6. Brand & Visual Design: I want the website to reflect a professional, modern, and innovative brand image. Do you have any suggestions or experiences to share regarding brand building and visual design?

If you have insights or experiences to share on any one or more of these aspects, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you for your time and assistance!

I doubt you’ll get many valuable responses by asking for general advice on general topics. You’ll have better luck by asking specific questions about specific things.

It sounds like you need to hire a designer…


While not for all the questions you asked, here’s the best suggestion for the Content & Payment Model:
For categorization, it is ideal if you use clear categories like objects, people, backgrounds, etc. with subcategories for easy browsing. Adding tags to them will create more relevant searches.

For the payment model, it is suggested that you review your competitors and see what they are doing. It will give you a rough idea about the estimates. Moreover, go for a subscription with tier plans. Like with basic subscriptions include fewer downloads and automatically increasing download limits or exclusive content per tier plan in an increasing order.

@morgan, your first post is very detailed. Did you write it? Or did you copy and paste it from somewhere or use AI to generate it?

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