I need your help with the logo


I’m currently working on a new logo for the site and would love to hear your tips and advice. This is a rather responsible task, because the logo must not only look good, but also reflect the essence and values of the project. This is a site with Australian online pokies that can be played for free and without registration. There are more than 1,500 different pokes created based on popular movies, favorite celebrities or the hottest games with dragons.

I have already brainstormed a little about what associations the logo should evoke, what color scheme to use and so on. But so far it is difficult to settle on one specific idea. So I would be very grateful to hear your suggestions and advice on this matter.

Maybe you have some interesting ideas about symbols, colors or fonts? Can you tell me what to look for when designing a logo? I would be very grateful for any advice! I hope that together we can create a truly memorable and effective logo.
Here is a photo of the old logo and the new one.


Thanks to all forum participants for their attention! I will wait for your comments.

I’d change the name first and foremost. It does not bode well to the depraved minds.

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What is the essence? What are the values?

What associations should the logo evoke?

The website already uses the logo shown above.

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Thank you for sharing your struggles with the logo, we are here to help you! I like the color scheme you chose, those are bright and vibrant colors that attract attention and convey fun and excitement. I think your logo should reflect entertainment, fun, excitement, adventures, good luck, some symbols that come to mind are coins, sparkles, stars, dice, maybe some gaming fun elements like dragons, a dragon that breathes coins with fire, a treasure chest, something fun like this! But I like that in your logo you made an accent on the “Lab” part, which can be good because it is not a common symbol for pokies websites, can make it more memorable amongst others. But I would make it more playful and bright, as you want to induce excitement with this one. Please share your progress and all the best with your logo creation!

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This post is from February and the OP never returned to explain why the new logo is on the website.

Ideas are the designer’s job.
They can present ideas here and there is no doubt comments will be made about what is and isn’t working. But offering up ideas, IMO, falls under the same category as “don’t redraw an OP’s concept.” The line where their work ends and yours starts gets a little blurry.
I’m all for helping, but not the money making part.

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