I want to learn all about LOGO DESIGN

Hello everyone.
I have 7 months to learn logo design as online self taught. please what should I cover concerning logo design and what are good free resources that help me? since I do not want paid resources. I prefer Illustrator and I am good with it and can understand it.

I am going to learn logo because I want to be freelancer logo designer. so please, any help?

and many thanks in advance

This is putting the cart way before the horse.

There is no such thing as a “logo designer.”
Far FAR more goes into branding than a logo. If you don’t understand all of the basics of good graphic design principles as applied to business, you will never progress beyond the $5-level of “logo designer.”


thanks for the comment. I also can design any kind of business card and I think the other stationary elements like letterhead or envelope are far from being difficult for me. but apart from being freelancer logo designer, I want to learn logo design and I have 7 months.
so please if you know the answer of my question, it would be appreciated. thank you

Out of curiosity, what’s your story? It seems odd to say you want to learn how to design logos and you have a definitive time period in which to learn this new skill.

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thanks for the comment. sorry, what do you mean by my story?
and what is the strange thing about being self taught?

Are you a student? Are you currently employed? What brought you to the place that you want to learn how to design logos? Why do you only have seven months?

I didn’t say it was strange to be self taught. To say you only have seven months to learn a new skill seems odd.

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I am not employed. so I want to work as soon as possible.
I am not restricted to 7 months but it would be perfect if I worked after 7 months. as I told I want to work as soon as possible.
also I have read answers to question online that said 6 months are good for learning logo.

but apart from having 7 months in my case. it would be appreciated if you answered my question
thank you

Also I am more interested in web design since I already know html , css, js, jQuery, bootstrap

Clients Relations. A killer rep. Both need your skills to back up.

Thorough research. A reassuring demeanour.

Have a business plan. Keep your books up-to-date.

Oh, a couple of tutorials from YouTube.

Aside from the design and technical skills, you’ll also need to pick up the business skill set needed to operate as a freelancer. This is a lot to cover in 7 months.

You need something more all-encompassing. I’d suggest investing in an online teaching program in a combination of visiting your local library (which may also have digital resources for you to learn). My library has a free subscription to Lynda.com with a valid library card.

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dude get a real job, honestly.
if you can’t find a job in your country migrate to another. the 5$ logo industry is going to suck the life out of you.

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Thanks for your advice.

I really do not know why my question has not been answered seriously yet.
just because I said that I have 7 months?

ok I have 5 years to learn graphic design and logo design.
could my question be answered now?

You’ve set some parameters to your question that make it difficult to answer. Your question also suggests some lack understanding about how all this works, which makes it doubly difficult to answer. For example, I’ve been designing things, like logos, for 40 years and I’ve not come close to mastering it. I’m no exception. One never stops learning and getting better through practice until they just give up, so people are responding to your 7-month statement out of puzzlement. You can’t “learn all about logo design,” as your title put it, in 7 months or 5 years. It’s a bit like saying you want to become a professional pianist in a set amount of time — it just doesn’t work that way.

Also, you’re from Egypt, right? One problem is that most of those answering your question are hearing it as though someone Europe or North America asked it. Here in the U.S., it’s nearly impossible to make a living by just designing logos, so professionals almost never view logos as being a separate discipline — designing a logo almost always involves a larger brand identity project with many meetings and a great deal of research.

Those companies just needing a logo by itself, are often the ones hiring the crowd sourcing sites. The designers on those sites are typically either amateurs who aren’t planning on making much money or they’re, increasingly, designers from parts of the world where the money to be made from it goes further and makes it a more viable thing to do.

I don’t know what your situation is like in Egypt. Maybe just focusing on logos is doable, whereas where I live, it is not. Have you researched it or do you know other people where you live who are making it work?

Even if that’s the case, though, getting good at designing logos involves a much broader approach to design than focusing on logos alone. It’s like someone saying they want to learn how to draw cats without also learning how to draw dogs, horses or camels. You can’t really successfully focus on learning just that one aspect of something that is part of a bigger-picture endeavor.

So all that considered, I know of no free or quick way to learn logo design. I suppose if I were you, I’d look at the websites devoted to logos, like LogoPond.com. I’d also search Behance for logos, and do lots of Google searches.

In general, though, teaching oneself something is fraught with the problem of the teacher not knowing any more than the student. To help you around this problem, your local library might have general design books or books about logos. There might even be a few courses on YouTube, but there’s also lots of junk there.

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Your answer hasn’t been answered “seriously” yet [it has] because there’s no set path to becoming a designer. It’s partly intuitive and partly aesthetic while being 100% technical and creative. You may feel sarcasm from some of the replies as many of us have years [some more than you have birthdays] under our belts but we’re still not the best we feel we could be.

Giving yourself X-amount of time is like saying I’m going to take a journey to an unknown destination and it will take 5 hours. Look at how well you know CSS, JS, etc. and think of how long it took you to get competent in those mediums and then you might have an estimate of how long it could take you to become that same level of designer.

Study the work of the masters until your eyes bleed . . . Saul Bass, Paul Rand, Louise File, Herb Lubalin, Walter Landor, Pentagram (and all of its partners past and present), Doyald Young, Massimo and Lella Vignelli, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv, Primo Angeli. I’m sure other folks can add to this list.

I don’t know but maybe it’s gonna be somehow helpful… in every aspect of life.

Read the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

It’s nicely said, you going somewhere and you don’t know where is the end. I am not a designer, I did a lot of stuff when I was in school as my hobby, and right now coming back a little bit to the designing stuff. But there is something like a predisposition. For example I will never be as good as most of you guys, cause I don’t feel good with the colors or about esthetics, but still I can work sth out.

I am working in sport… so all I know, that consistent work, good ethics and clear goals and even without predispositions you can get where you want, 10 000 hrs rule.

I agree with what most people are saying. Your questions expose your lack of understanding of the whole design process with regards branding and identity, You don’t appear to even see what you don’t yet know. I am not trying to crucify you, but you really need to try to understand where the gaps in your knowledge are.

I would always suggest getting a formal education. That way you will find out if the whole design field is one for you and you’ll get an honest, professional, knowledgable opinion of your abilities.

Alternatively, get a low end job in the industry and work your way up.

Whichever of those two routes you choose Is going to be hard and take sacrifices, but nothing worth having ever comes easily. Expecting to be able to sit in your bedroom with a laptop and YouTube videos to become a professional designer is optimistic at best and, honestly, more than a little naive.

Ask people who have been successful in their career and they will all have stories of student hardships, pounding pavements with your portfolio, visiting design companies, trying to find an opening, rejection. When they finally do find a job, 20 hour days, poor wages. Eventually after about ten years of this, you may be at a point where you feel you are beginning to understand what you are doing. Then you start to make a reasonable, rewarding living.

It will almost certainly involve moving away from the town you grew up in, maybe even the country. You will probably have to take a menial job or two to fund yourself,

That is what it takes to be successful. If you are not prepared to do this, then enjoy a career doing $10 logos for clients who have no idea what they are talking about either.

If this all sounds hard, then, good. It’s a competitive field and ONLY those with the persistence, tenacity and of course, ability, who go about things the right way will get anywhere near the top of the heap.

Learn what you don’t understand, rather than trying to find an easy route, Free ALWAYS has a heavy price.

Good luck.