If DeSantis sees nothing wrong with this

maybe he should bow out now.

And so it starts

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Nothing surprises me anymore. Well … the only thing that does still surprise me is when it comes to politics, people will do anything to keep themselves relevant … no matter what they are spewing or how bad it makes them look.
(that’s just an overall personal view of all political figures)
I have a feeling this will only get worse and there are so many people that won’t bother to investigate. As it is we have 1000’s of people on Facebook sharing stained glass bathtubs and how badly they want one for Christmas. :roll_eyes: Or Pink and Purple forests with 12 story tree houses and spouting how wonderful their God is for creating such beauty. :rofl:

Every day I have to block pages and groups who love this stuff because everyone shares it and I’m too compelled to poo poo on it … and wow does that anger some people :flushed:


American politics has been reduced to reciprocal trolling aimed only at cultivating outrage among the gullible tribespeople.


I look back 20 and 30 years ago when I worked in the news business. Journalists took their responsibilities seriously as the curators of the news. Bias always appears, but professional journalists made conscientious and principled efforts to report factual information they felt society should know about since news organizations were where people got their news.

Today, it’s completely changed. People pick and choose what they want to believe, then find whatever source they can to reinforce their opinions. With multiple sources of information and reduced ad revenue, even once-credible news sources have begun catering to siloed audiences. Jumping back and forth between CNN and Fox News, for example, it seems both organizations are reporting from entirely different planets.

Phony AI-generated photos and videos seem poised to worsen an already terrible situation. I wish I could be more optimistic, but I don’t see the trend lines heading in the right direction.




I guess I’m kind of relieved that DeSantis didn’t create of porno of Trump of Fauci.

This reminds me of the famous 1980s photo of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev giving his East German counterpart, Erich Honecker, a big juicy, wet kiss on the lips.

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