[ Illustrator CC ] Is there a way to get rid of a bunch of anchor points at once?

[ Illustrator CC ] Is there a way to get rid of a bunch of anchor points at once?

I used the blob brush to draw something and the shape made a lot of anchor points… is there a way to remove some on a curve or straight line without individual - clicking or using the lasso to remove a section and then rejoining? perhaps a smoothing or something?

Thanks ahead,


There are two options, one is a tool the other is a Menu option.

The tool is the smooth tool that hides with the shaper and pencil tool. Select the tool and brush over the line.

The menu option is under the object menu. Select the path and under the menu choose path > Simplify.

Both of those options have varying degrees of success at holding the original path contour.
For the work I do, neither is sufficient and sometimes requires redrawing the path, depending on what it is for.

I’ve never had much luck with the smooth tool. It has a habit of contorting the image a bit too much.

Simplify seems to keep the original shape pretty well, especially since you have a range to set in regards to how ‘simple’ you want the path to be.