I want to invite to participate in a logo contest for DevOps Community.
We need a logo for a DevOpsDays, this event is from DevOps community for DevOps community.
We expect you want to show your work and your capacity, while you colaborate with our community.
You can see information about the event in https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2019-montevideo/welcome/
and the logo contest is in https://goo.gl/forms/BOx2sXlvxSBSfQEK2
You will have worl visibility about your job.
Mmuh . . . if you want a logo competition, have a logo competition, but please be honest about the potential rewards. “World visibility” isn’t a prize, or a career boost, or . . . anything. An 8 year-old kid who spends 4 minutes to figure out how to use her big brother’s Instagram account has instant “world visibility” in the palm of her hand.
Yes, yes yes!
Yeah, no. See https://creative-boost.com/free-design-work/
Having a “competition” sucks for you, the client, because:
- You see design as decoration, not strategy, so no matter how good a designer’s work is, you won’t be able to recognize that.
- You value quantity of designs over quality.
- You really aren’t invested in your business (and, frankly, why should the designer be?).
- You see designers as order takers, not strategic thinkers who can help you get results.
Actually, I’ve entered “design” contests where the prize is something I want. Every once in a while Cabela’s or similar offers a bass boat or fishing trip as a prize. Actually won $500 worth of gift cards at a used hardware computer store once. Talk about a candy shop
(I have a few old machines I like to keep running.)
Thank you for the answer. This is not a business company and we are volunteers in the organization of this event without monetary returns and we are novate in this matter. Thank you for your time
I have tons, of exposure bucks! just like this, from when I graduated college all those years back!
Still trying to find a place to use them…