Logo Dispute: City of Dallas vs. Triple D Gear

This is definitely copyright infringement in my mind.

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Well ,this is just odd, it looks like SMU (also based in Dallas) also ripped off the logo design, but the irony is that Triple D Gear accused SMU of ripping off their design.


Seems pretty blatant in both cases.

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Some parts of these stories seem a bit wonky, or maybe it’s just sloppy reporting.

For example, the SMU logo seems to have intentionally created a variation of the Dallas city logo, not the Triple D Gear’s logo. And why would SMU be using a D?

In addition, what’s with the Dallas logo below? It’s a badly drawn version of their primary logo. This one has rounded ends on the strokes, sharp corners on the leaves, weird curves with corners, and the type beneath off-center.

There’s clearly trademark infringement, but I don’t understand the weirdness.


So, the more I poked around SMU had a licensing deal with Dallas to use their “D” on some of their merchandise as SMU is located in Dallas (hence the D). It is definitely odd though and I poked around more and apparently one of the founders of Triple D stated in a podcast or interview that they intentionally took the Dallas D and added the star.

Odd stuff all around.