Logo review

hello everyone, please give review about the logo design and the presentation, this is my first time creating such a detailed presentation, so I want to know is this good way to present logo design to clients and also is it good to post these kind of branding presentation on behance. This is the brief of the brand

Business Name: Cornerstone Estates

Niche/Industry: Real Estate and Property Management


Cornerstone Estates specializes in premium residential and commercial real

estate. We focus on connecting clients with high-value properties that align

with their needs, whether it’s finding their dream home or investing in lucrative

commercial spaces. Our clients range from first-time homebuyers to seasoned

investors looking for tailored services.


To elevate the real estate experience by providing trusted guidance,

exceptional service, and a portfolio of top-tier properties.

Logo Design Requirements:

Style: Professional, clean, and sophisticated to appeal to a high-end

audience while remaining approachable to new buyers.

Colors: A refined palette of deep blues, grays, and gold to convey trust,

stability, and success.

Typography: Sleek sans-serif fonts or modern serif for a balanced,

professional look.

Iconography: Explore abstract elements like a mountain peak (symbolizing

the “summit”), a stylized house, or architectural lines to represent

properties and growth.


The logo will be used across:

Website and social media platforms

Property listing boards and advertisements

Competitor Analysis:

Brands like “Keller Williams” and “Coldwell Banker” lean heavily on bold and

professional designs. Summit Realty Group seeks to stand apart by blending

contemporary aesthetics with a more personal, aspirational touch that

symbolizes reaching new heights.

Additional Notes:

The logo should be scalable and look great in both full-color and monochrome

versions. A wordmark or combination mark (text + icon) would provide

versatility. Consider how the design could represent reliability, success, and


here is my design, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uVurY0m3JxJ_Cq4ugu-XPnpU6g_kXBGn/view?usp=drive_link

Can you please post the images of your design rather than linking to a online drive.

Folks don’t like clicking on links that are cryptic.

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Thanks had a quick look through and a few things jumped out.

No pantone colour references
And the letter spacing in CORNERSTONE Is all over the place, it’s not even spacing, especially the start of the word.

can you explain in brief what you want to say about letter spacing all over the place? I couldn’t understand

Visually it lookes uneven, there’s a small gap between the C and O and a large gap between O and R the N and E are almost touching, yet the E has a larger gap between the R etc

This makes it unbalanced and looks less professional. I’d adjust the spacing between each letter (kerning) and then the overall spacing of the word (tracking) to make it consistent.

You could try using optical kerning and/or manual adjustments.

And you should test logo at different sizes to ensure it looks balanced - look at it upside down


You’ve got inconsistent use of small caps (The first letter of a word that is all caps is slightly larger than the rest of the letters).

-slide 8: the B and P in BRAND PERSONA
-slide 25: the first letters in “HI, I’M THE PRIMARY HEADING” and “I’M SUBHEADING”
-slide 26: The P in PATTERN

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Several years ago, when I was working for an ad agency, we typically handled larger-budget projects. On those jobs, we normally spent considerable time and the client’s money on the sales pitches and presentations, which always included lots of artwork.

We also had smaller clients with tighter budgets. One of those clients was the owner of a small business start-up that needed a logo, stationery, and some basic advice on promotions.

Our workload was low that week, so we put extra effort into this person’s modest needs. The next week, when we made our initial presentation, he was impressed with the work we had put into the presentation materials.

However, he immediately followed up by saying his budget was small and that it looked like we had spent the entire thing on the presentation instead of the work he had hired us to do. He was a little bit upset.

Are you sure you haven’t done the same thing? How big is your client’s budget?

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it’s not a real project, it is fake brief. I made this big brand presentation because I have seen many professional designers on social media to use brand guidelines presentation. So this time I also tried to make one. And also yes I spent a lot of time in making this but I think it is also necessary to show our work.

thanks for your brief explaination, I will definitely keep this mind in my next works.

Thank you for your comment, but i haven’t done it, it just happened automatically.

Is this good way to present our work, for a self learning designer, can this help to make good portfolio on behance and other platforms like these? I want to know these unspoken answers from you guys, please help.
I know a designer she sends 4 initial options of logo designs of 10 pages presentation each. and then send sends 1 final logo chosen in almost 30-40 pages presentation. but her clients are big budget clients, So I thought as a beginner I should work like a professional designer

It’s not just logo presentation though is it?

For a logo presentation you’d show previous logo, competitors logo, research.

Then show 3 logo options.

What you’ve done here is more like a brand book, spring typography, colors application etc.

Normally you’d nail down the logo before going half cocked on the branding.

now I got it, you are trying to say that I should solidify my design work and structure of the logo design process before roaming in the presentations and all this.

Professional designers must be aware of the budget limitations of a project and work within those parameters. For example, they can’t put 40 hours of work into a project that only warrants 20 hours of work.

This is especially true when working for oneself or working at an advertising agency, where time is often tracked in 15-minute increments and billed to the client. If the client’s budget is XXX and you put XXXX amount of time into the project, you’ve lost money instead of making a profit.

By the way, your design skills from an aesthetic point of view are very good. You obviously have talent that can be developed. Remember, though, that graphic design is also a business that depends on making money.

Your branding presentation is good. It’s good to understand the difference between logo presentations and full branding showcase.

thank you for your guidance and the compliment you gave below I will work hard on developing my skills and practical world knowledge of the design, :star_struck: :innocent: :innocent:

As Smurf initially said, Kerning bad and no Pantone callouts in the brand guide.

I’m guessing it’s a coincidence that you used Pantone’s Color of the year (though a slightly darker version.)

As to the wordmark, I seem to be the only one who doesn’t see kerning as the problem. Instead, I see word color density as the issue. In other words, the C & O and the T & O contain more negative space than the more complex letters with less negative space, which throws off the word color consistency.

I can’t think of a way to adequately describe this without an example. The top wordmark is the original. The bottom one is where I’ve reshaped a few of the letters and spaced the denser letters bit more loosely to add more negative space between them. It’s not perfect and could use a little judicious kerning, but you get the idea.

A bigger problem is the difference between the logo paired with the words. Cornerstone is one word and is the business name. A name shouldn’t be broken in two just to make it fit. In addition, the size difference between the logo mark and the name appears too large. Maybe it’s a regional thing, but I’ve never seen the words REAL ESTATE spelled as REAL ESTATES.

Very simple fix looks better