Looking for Twitter Designer!

Hello there everyone!

I am honestly not sure if this is the right thread, it it is the wrong. I am sorry Moderators.

I’m looking for a Graphic Designer for twitter making me Giveaway pictures, a Twitter Logo and a Twitter header such as various other graphics needed for twitter advertisement.
The payment will be discussed in private as it is not allowed here (it’ll be good).

I’m starting up a online business and i am looking for an EXPERIENCED Designer, anyone can hit me up to discuss. Reply to this thread with your portfolio or previous work and i’ll get back to you!

Best Regards and thank you for reading.

Thomas Johnson

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Hi Thomas :slight_smile:

Please post your job offer here -------------> Classifieds

ALSO … please leave an email when you can be contacted by those interested as some new members do not have access to the PM system.

Thank you :slight_smile: