My inclination would be to keep it as an appreciating asset, but I’d be inclined to loan it to a museum where it would be safer than it would in my house. Not that we live in a bad area or anything, but I could see my grandson – or even one of my kids for that matter – flinging a toy or ball or something across the room and taking it out.
I’d probably keep it as well and will it to someone who would appreciate it.
… Although I doubt I would buy anything Picasso … just not my cup of tea. I know … I know … he was brilliant … yadda yadda lol A lot of his stuff weirds me out. I’m more of a Renaissance appreciator.
Although no matter who it is, I’ll never be rich enough to afford original works … so it’s all a wash lol
Hey, it’s art. You are free to like it or not. Rembrandt was an amazing artist, a lot of people love his work, and I can appreciate it; but I find his paintings dark for my taste.
I would probably keep it. It would be money in the bank for retirement or a rainy day. In the mean time, I’d likely do what Steve mentioned: loan it out to the local museum.
And then hope it doesn’t become part of another Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum heist.
Insurance is a large out of pocket expense not covered by “appreciating assets.”