Marketing Collateral Management

What kind of systems or platforms do other designers use to keep track of marketing collateral? We are currently listing out our items in Google Sheets. Line items are actual pieces of printed collateral. The pages in the document are the different departments and their associated collateral (currently 25…so many tabs to sift through!). Our hopes are that when an item is updated if it is used in multiple departments, I can see that from a simple search, or maybe tagging.

In a perfect world I would like to design a Graphic, add it to a tracker of some sort and assign it tags to either department who uses that graphic, as well as the location on the server, a thumbnail of the image, and when it was last updated.

We are also currently using Asana, which has an asset tagging capability…but what if we nix Asana in a year or two…then what? I would like to be able to access the content offline as well as online, on a free platform, or something we purchase outright.

Is this a pipe dream???