Michael Bierut on how to think like a designer

Worth watching . . .


Now that’s a scary thought, LOL.
(I didn’t watch it.)

Went to go to a talk of his at another university he was speaking at as a beginning design student.
Gave this same/similar talk.

Before that i was a man walking to where he seemed to be going. I had no idea where to go as the directions I had weren’t clear so i followed him down some stairs and into the basement area which had the admin offices.

I thought he was a teacher. held the door open for him and everything. then i said,
“I think i might be in the wrong place”
and then i turned around and left. lol. had no idea what he looked like until he walked in the auditorium and I was like, “dang bill way to go”


Thank you for this video. I’ve never heard about Michael Bierut. But he really says nice things.