There are several Jeopardy tournaments on Netflix, and my wife and I have been watching these while we eat lunch. This got me thinking about game shows.
1. What is your favorite current game show?
2. What was your favorite game show as a kid?
3. If you could be a contestant on a game show, which one would it be?
In my house, we seem to be mildly addicted to Cash Cab reruns on Game Show Network. Something about contestants that made no effort to actively pursue the appearance, I think. As for current ones, good ol’ Jeopardy still rings the bell
Card Sharks
Hmm . . . I’m pretty sure I’d be way out of my comfort zone on any show, but since my wife considers me a veritable fountain of relatively useless information, I’d say a trivia/general-knowldge question scenario applies, so Jeopardy again comes to mind. I can see it now; flying back home with $1000, my year’s supply of Alleve, and bitter memories of the worst possible categories for me.
Watched that a lot in my youth (during the Barker era), so Barker seems more ingrained or original, but I don’t really care enough to favor either one.
The first thing I ever won was a hollow plastic Snoopy coin bank when I was 4. My brother let me pick the number on which he’d put our dime at the church bazaar. I picked 22 for no reason, and the wheel spun. 22 it was, and I’ve considered it a lucky number ever since. That feels like my best win, but the best thing I ever won was a custom snare drum. For a while a number of years back, I was a regular on an online forum for custom drum builders (the Ghostnote forum, now gone, sadly). They had regular contests and raffles, and one of them was a drawing for a snare drum that would start as a carbon fiber shell, and then be shipped around the world to 8 different master drum-smiths, each of whom would add something toward the its completion. I couldn’t believe I won the thing, and it’s truly a one-of-a-kind masterpiece; the kind of instrument I could and would never afford to buy for myself. It easily wins and keeps the primary spot in my kit setup, and although it’s quite valuable as snare drums go (just the piece of carbon fiber that it started from cost $1800), I can’t see myself ever putting it up for sale.
Jeopardy – even though it makes me feel like I didn’t study hard enough in school.
2. What was your favorite game show as a kid?
I remember thinking Match Game was funny. I’m sure a lot of the humor went over my head at the time.
3. If you could be a contestant on a game show, which one would it be?
My brain doesn’t pull information fast enough to be on a show like Jeopardy, so I’d have to say something like Price is Right.
4. Bob Barker or Drew Carey?
Bob Barker.
5. What’s the best thing you’ve ever won?
My wife and I have a group of friends that regularly do trivia nights together. One that we actually won was organized by a guy who is an accomplished chef. The prize was a dinner cooked for our group. That was a lot of fun.
1. What is your favorite current game show?
“Who’s line is it” !! Not so current but i watch a lot of reruns. I laugh so pancaking hard at it sometimes
2. What was your favorite game show as a kid?
I can only recall watching one “The dating game”
3. If you could be a contestant on a game show, which one would it be?
Who’s Line Is It
4. Bob Barker or Drew Carey?
Drew Carey
5. What’s the best thing you’ve ever won?
I guess this is kind of a win…My aunt won 10,000,000 on a scratch of and she shared generously exactly when I was headed for financial destruction !! The most satisfying was little ole quiet Willy taking all the in-laws money at the poker table…They didn’t realize that I had been playing cards since I was very small. To this day they thought it was beginners luck. Little do they know that I bluffed every other hand I won and they never called me…
1. What is your favorite current game show?
None. Haven’t watched network TV in years. No clue what’s out there.
2. What was your favorite game show as a kid?
Let’s Make a Deal. I loved the get ups people would wear. I used to love to see some woman plowing through her purse to find a toothpick or bobby pin. My favorite was of course picking the door. You had 3 doors to choose your prize from lavish to lack luster. The amount of people that went home with a frying pan and a year of Rice-a-roni vs the “New Corvette” or “Complete Living room by Ethan Allen” was staggering lol and always humorous.
3. If you could be a contestant on a game show, which one would it be?
I don’t think I could. I don’t think fast enough and my anxiety would have me in knots.
4. Bob Barker or Drew Carey?
Bob Barker
5. What’s the best thing you’ve ever won?
I won $100 on Christmas Eve on a scratch off once many years ago. That was fun I’ve won first place in a few costume contests over the years. And I won lunch for the entire office I worked for many moons ago by singing on the radio. Yes me the introverted ninny, who can’t get out of my own way most days