Motion graphics

Hola soy nuevo miembro , me presento mi nombre el Natanael y soy diseñador gráfico
Espero y me puedan ayudar con la duda que tengo.

Quiero seguir formándome profesionalmente y estoy interesado en aprender motion graphics, lo quiero hacer 100% online, se que hay varios cursos en You tube que podria tomar pero si busco un documento que me avale.

¿Saben de alguna Escuela, institución o algo referente en donde enseñen bien el tema?
¿Y que es mas conveniente un master, diplomado, certificación o alguna otra que ustedes conozcan?


Translation :slight_smile:

My Spanish isn’t that good, so I’ll stick to English.

YouTube is a good place to learn specific techniques and to see how other people accomplish various tasks, but it’s not a good place to get a well-rounded design education or even a well-rounded understanding a motion graphics.

As you mentioned, a more formal education is better — one that takes you through what you need to know from beginning to end in a step-by-step approach focused on gaining a comprehensive understanding of what you need to know. Ideally, a university degree is best if you have the time and resources.

As for online schools, I don’t have any specific recommendations. However, if I were looking, I’d look for an accredited school that’s been in existence for several years and stands up to scrutiny after lots of research. If it’s associated with a traditional, physical university, that would be one indication of a reputable institution.

I also would look for a school that awards degrees instead of certificates in specific skills. Motion graphics is a subset of the larger field of design. A good motion graphics designer should have a foundational knowledge of graphic design in general before specializing in motion graphics.

Developing expertise in any field of design — including motion graphics — is more dependent upon gaining a conceptual understanding of design in general than it is about learning software skills.